
Who is the donor

According to the law (no. 285/2002 Coll., On donation, drafts and transplantation of tissues) in the Czech Republic applies the principle of presumed consent, ie. potential donor organs and tissues after death can happen to anyone. The exceptions are people who during their lifetime have expressed clear opposition to the donation in writing and are registered in the National Register of people disagree with posthumous collection.

Donor organs and tissues can be divided into living and deceased (cadaver).

Deceased donor, if for life expressed disagreement becomes a patient who is identified brain death, ie. irreversible loss of function of the entire brain or irreversible stasis. Findings of death carried out at least two physicians with the appropriate specialized qualification, determined on the basis of clinical signs of brain death and further tests using the device, everything is recorded in the log and is part of the medical records.

Living donor organ can become a person has a family relationship or unrelated to the recipient, who voluntarily decided to donate two organs (kidney, lung lobe), or part of an organ, which is renewable (liver). For donations are strict ethical rules. If the authority given to a person close to, donors expressed prescribed manner their free and informed consent. In the case of organ donation a person other than relatives, must always sit and approve the professional ethics committee. Transplant from a living donor to deceased donors, has several advantages. One of them is perfect preparation and examination of the donor and recipient. You can schedule an operation at any time according to the needs of the patient, it is not necessary to wait until I get the suitable kidney from a deceased donor. Another advantage is a short time of cold ischemia = time from the beginning of purging organ preservation solution until recovery of blood flow in the organ. The assumption is therefore a healthy donor for whom the kidney donation does not constitute a risk. Research shows that the remaining healthy kidney donor body covers all the necessary functions.

Every donor, whether living or deceased, is subjected to a medical examination thoroughly to minimize the potential risks associated with the transfer of authorities in both the short and the long term. The appropriateness of using the removed organ transplant center decides specialist, the selection of recipients of organs is based on the medical urgency and equality. The selection criteria are clearly defined and published.

Organizations transplant program is limited by law on donation, drafts and transplantation of tissues and organs Transplantation Act 285/2002 Coll.

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