Frequently Asked Questions

Which organ is transplanted most and which the least?
Just as in the world at our most transplanted kidneys. This is a pair orgán.Jeden donor can improve the quality of the lives of two sick people. At least it is lung transplantation.
How long patients are waiting for a transplant ( "how many people are in front of me")?
The waiting time varies greatly depending on whether a suitable donor is available. In living donor transplant may be adapted in time. For cadaveric (deceased) donor is a waiting time varies from a few days to several years, it can not be estimated. Selection of a suitable candidate depend only on the waiting time, but also on medical criteria, for example the blood group, the urgency of transplantation, immune parameters, a weight and a size ratio between the donor and recipient.
How can a candidate for a kidney transplant verify that registered on the waiting list?
Candidate for a kidney transplant is the most frequent contact with the doctor on dialysis, where the patient occurs. The candidate informed of the changes and the reasons for them on the waiting list (temporary disengagement, reintegration, permanent disposal).
Furthermore, the candidate may also contact the medical expert in transplant center that will perform the transplant. Another option is to contact the Coordinating Center for Transplantation, which manages the waiting list. You can do so either in person or in writing (in this case, the answer will be delivered by registered letter in his own hand) at:

Koordinační středisko transplantací
Ruská 85
100 00 Praha 10

Given that must be preserved protection of personal data in accordance with applicable law by the Act no. 101/2000 Coll. (Privacy) and Law no. 20/1966 Coll. (Medical documentation) can provide information about the status of inclusion on the waiting list only person that this classification applies (or their legal guardian).

What are the benefits of kidney transplantation compared to dialysis?
Dialysis treatment replaces kidney function only in part: removing catabolites is incomplete and, moreover, is not replaced by impairment in the sense of making some important hormones. Kidney transplant replaces kidney function significantly better quality of life is higher.
From an economic point of view transplant less demanding than the long-term dialysis.
If organ donation, it belongs to a financial reward?
Czech legislation prohibits trafficking in organs and tissues for transplantation. Perhaps the financial compensation to the families of deceased donors, in particular the contribution paid to funeral 5000 CZK and insurance organ transplant recipient pays for the transport of the body from place to place autopsy funeral. Living donors are entitled to reimbursement of expenses and loss of earnings.
You can find the identity of the donor from whom the organ is obtained?
Can not. Healthcare providers are required to maintain the anonymity of the donor tissue and organs to the recipient.
They can be taken in the Czech Republic authorities strangers?
Yes, foreigners can become organ donors under the same conditions as Czech citizens. Generally, it examines whether the alien voiced disapproval for his life with a donation for transplantation. This fact is verified by the Czech registry and in cooperation with the delegated authority of the country also the foreign registry. If not, looking for a contact person close to them said subscription option. When verifying eventual registration and search for a contact person close progresses Transplant Center in cooperation with KST.
They can be in case of death abroad, the authorities removed a Czech citizen?
Individual states have their own specific legislation transplantation. The basic criterion is whether a country applies the principle of presumed consent to organ donation (as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, France …) or anticipated disapproval (Netherlands, Germany, Sweden …) or other treatment (eg. First statement will in some US states, a crucial agreement family or embassy etc.) can not be .Obecně procurement of tissues or organs in the event of the death of Czech citizens abroad excluded.

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