National Registry of people opposed to the post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs

According to the law (no. 285/2002 Coll., On donation, drafts and transplantation of tissues) in the Czech Republic, the principle of presumed consent, ie. potential donor organs and tissues after death can happen to anyone. The exceptions are people who during their lifetime have expressed explicit written disagreement with the donation. To register such persons, the Ministry of Health established a national register of persons opposed to the post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs (NROD), which is administered by the Institute of Health Information of the CR (Czech Republic).

Expressed disapproval must contain some essential requirements and statutory information. For writing a dissent created a simple form that includes:

  • Details of the person disagreeing with a post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs
  • data on the extent of opposition (in the form of check boxes)
  • any subsequent canceling previously voiced disapproval
  • information on any legal representative (in the case of minors or legally incapacitated persons)
  • place, date, time and signature of the person disagreeing

Form Expressing disagreement with the post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs can be filled either by a person disagreeing with a post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs outside the health facility (download or in a medical facility with the help of the attending physician. The registration is required officially verified signature of the person disagreeing with the procurement of tissues and organs or her legal representative. Official signature verification confirms that the form filled in fact that person.

The second option is to fill out a form in a health care facility attending physician. In this case, given the form and details of the healthcare facility, the attending physician and in one witness. In a situation where the person disagreeing with a post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs have the capacity with regard to their health status sign it is in the form placed second witness. It is not necessary certified signature consenting person or a doctor and witnesses.

Established register fulfills the tasks arising from the transplantation law and allows to accommodate a major opponents of the donation of tissues or organs so as to prevent inappropriate handling of the body after death.

If a patient in which the light of his medical condition presupposes death, considering the possibility of removal of tissues or organs, first verify their personal data in the National Register of persons opposed to the post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs.

The registry is operated on the basis of the following legislative requirements:

  • Act no. 285/2002 Coll. the procurement and transplantation of tissues
  • Decree no. 434/2004 Coll., On details of the scope and content of the mandatory data to the national registry of people opposed to the post-mortem withdrawal of tissues and organs
  • MZ Bulletin no. 10/2004

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