International Cooperation
ACCORD program based on the needs of the Action Plan of the European Commission and aims to create a comparable level of individual aspects of donation and transplantation in the Member States. Respect the different priorities of the participants and is divided into sub-working group. The first of them cooperate with Hungary, the Netherlands and other stakeholders to enhance the quality and safety of sampling surgery, other forms of France, Bulgaria and other entities and is aimed at improving the organization of organ procurement. The third group is led by Italy, which cooperate with Malta, Lithuania, Cyprus and the Czech Republic, and here is the main objective of creating a system of accreditation and auditing transplant centers.

DOPKI – (Improving the Knowledge and Practices in Organ Donation)
DOPKI is one of the projects funded by the European Commission under the e-TEN. The work on this project in 2006 brought together a total of 12 organizations and institutions that seek to increase the overall level of knowledge and practical skills in the field of transplantation medicine. The leadership of the project was entrusted to the Spanish National Transplant Organization. The basic aim is to introduce some organizational elements called. Spanish model, thanks to which Spain has absolutely unrivaled position in the number of transplants worldwide. KST is one of the founding partners of this project, which also involved to a limited extent and Teaching Hospital in Prague Motol University Hospital Vinohrady.

OEO – (European Organ Exchange Organizations)
EOEO coordinating authorities was founded ten European countries and its program expressed in a common agreement, adopted in 2004 in Cascais, Portugal. Its members include Transplant Organization Hungary, France, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, the United Kingdom and Portugal, including transnational Scandiatransplant and Eurotransplant. KST is a member since 2006. EOEO seeks to promote high standards of quality, safety and traceability in the acquisition and exchange of organs for transplantation.

EUROCET – (European Registry on Organs, Cells and Tissues)
EUROCET is a project of e-TEN program of the European Commission, in which 20 participating organizations from 12 European countries. The project aims to unify transplantation terminology and methodology, to be a common European database, which would be jointly collect, process and use information on the medical, clinical and demographic aspects dárcoství and transplantation. Creating such a pan-European database, ongoing additions and utilization contribute to a better use of the potential of transplantation medicine in all participating countries. KST is a partner in the project EUROCET from 1 September 2005.

ETN – (European Transplant Network)
ETN initiative was founded in 2004 as a result of the Prague Declaration of Health Ministers and some old EU accession countries. Currently ETN headquarters in Rome. The main objective of the ETN closer cooperation in transplant medicine, exchange of experience and assistance to countries which are less developed transplantation program. Member States may use the services of the Joint Coordination dispatcher called Gate to Europe. KST has within ETN membership agreements on closer cooperation with partner organizations in Poland, Hungary and Italy. ETN members are: Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Greece and Slovakia. To cooperate with the ETN are reported and the Council of Europe and WHO, while some of the founding members of its activity after joining the EU significantly reduced.

MODE – Mutual Organ Donation and Transplantation Exchanges: Improving and developing cadaveric organ donation and transplantation programs
The European Commission adopted an Action Plan on organ donation and transplantation, which has as its main objective to strengthen cooperation among member countries. MODE project aims to revise the best practices in the field of donation and transplantation in jednotlilvých countries and their introduction to other countries so that they can use these models to increase their level of transplantation medicine. KST analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of transplant medicine in the partner countries and organized a series of visits to explain the specific best practices, sharing know-how and share experiences between partners.

FOEDUS – Facilitating Exchange of Organs Donated in EU Member States
Foedus specializes in facilitating the exchange of organs, which for various reasons (mismatch in blood type, size disparity, antibodies …) not to transplant recipients in the country of origin. Previously, such unused organs, or their bids abroad were sporadic and random. Foedus created a computing platform, these authorities systematically offers directly to national coordinators, who have an overview of waiting lists and needs transplantcenter.

IRODAT – International Database of Organ Donation and Transplantation
The pan-European program that is running continuously since 1996. Its purpose is to collect and register data on donation and transplantation around the world. It includes every country for current information on the numbers of deceased and living donors, the donor and transplanted organs. The central monitoring unit KST is responsible for the management of national statistics in the country.

SAT – South Alliance for Transplants
International Association of transplantation of competent authorities, founded by Spain, France and Italy in order to deepen cooperation in the field of donation and transplantation. Founders gradually invited to cooperation by other countries with which more closely cooperate within the framework of their national programs, Portugal, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, and has been so far observers. SAT brings together countries with a total population of 200 million, while the highest proportion of donors per million inhabitants, which means that these two indicators surpassed the Eurotransplant association. Participation KST is consistent with its obligations to ensure international exchange of organs for transplantation.

BSA (Black Sea Area)
In 2011, he opened in Chisinau in Moldova European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care Council of Europe project aimed at increasing the level of donation and transplantation in the countries surrounding the Black Sea. On the side of the organizers of the Council of Europe represented in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and the Czech Republic. Support was divided into several areas, such as clinical practice, organizing processes transplant legislation and funding. Czech Republic and France were responsible for the last part, namely the Czech Republic after transplantation legislation.
A similar activity was launched in late 2015 with the aim of improving in Belarus donation and transplant process and bring it to the standards established in other European countries. KST has been nominated to participate in two of the three business areas and is responsible for harmonizing the Belarusian legislation transplantation and for setting up a system of regular audits of transplant centers.