
FOEDUS – Facilitating Exchange of Organs Donated in EU Member States

Foedus specializes in facilitating the exchange of organs, which for various reasons (mismatch in blood type, size disparity, antibodies …) not to transplant recipients in the country of origin. Previously, such unused organs, or their bids abroad were sporadic and random. Foedus created a computing platform, these authorities systematically offers directly to national coordinators, who have an overview of waiting lists and needs transplantcenter.


Foedus based on a project launched by the European Union, which was officially completed in the summer of 2016. At the final meeting of participating countries, some countries have agreed that initiated cooperation is so beneficial that it continued even after it has ceased to organize and pay. Therefore, in October 2016 convened in Prague founding session of the new organization, which are approved by its statutes, elected steering committee and agreed that the necessary funds to finance pay themselves participating organizations. The first president was elected foedus JUDr. Premysl Fryda, deputy director of the Coordination Center transplantation.

Member countries

This organization not only is the largest supranational grouping of its kind in the world, but also significantly contributes to the development of transplant medicine in Europe. Currently, members of the foedus ten countries (Czech Republic, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Spain and Switzerland) with a total of 320 million inhabitants. Curiosity – organization Eurotransplant, which unlike foedus working with a single waiting list brings together 8 countries and a population of 135 million inhabitants. We are currently negotiating accession of Ireland, Portugal, Bulgaria and Belarus.


For the first year and a half, including the functioning of the trial operation were among the participating States offered 380 bodies that would otherwise be disposed of, and 53 of them were used for transplantation in another country. Czech Republic from this system still benefits significantly when abroad offered two bodies and 11 organs transplanted and adopted. Negotiations are currently underway Czech Republic with Slovakia on closer cooperation in lung transplantation. We believe that international cooperation, with the active participation of the Czech Republic will continue to develop and the number of transplanted patients continue to rise.

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