We want to be a leader transplantation program in the Czech Republic and in cooperation with partners to maintain its world-class level.
We want to be a leader transplantation program in the Czech Republic and in cooperation with partners to maintain its world-class level.
Bije Vaše srdce v souladu s životním stylem?
Světový den srdce připadá na 29.září. Již od roku 2000 organizuje Světová federace srdce (WHF) společně se Světovou zdravotnickou organizací (WHO) kampaň aktivního života týkající se prevence kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. Poselství Světového dne srdce je jednoduché:...
Change of the European Organ Exchange
On the 15th of September, 2020, a significant change in the position of the President of the European Organ Exchange FOEDUS ocurred. Having finished his two terms Premysl Fryda left the position and has been replaced by Franz Immer. Whilst Fryda´s priorities were to...
Who we are
Our Team
The aim of the team KST maximum contribution to improve the quality or to save the life of patients.
Concact Us
We respect
Transparency and maximum openness
In our work we respect such values:fairness, trust and loyalty a and we assume knowledge of modern medicine, ethics and law.